Bucket List - major check!

🌌🌠🌑🏞 🎑🗻❄😎👵👩💕 


How do I begin to convey the magic of this trip? Danni is absolutely amazing - she has filled each moment with joy and has thought of everything to make it perfect! Obviously, the jewel in the crown was seeing the Northern Lights on the first day we arrived! I felt really priveledged that we actually got to see this amazing phenomenon as so many don't. Danni chose a tour company that take out small groups for a more personal experience and our tour guide was so passionate and enthusiastic about the night sky - Lights and stars alike - it made for an interesting and amazing evening! The hot chocoate, Kleinur (Icelandic donuts) and heated hand warmers were all an added bonus!

The stars alone were a sight to behold - I'd never seen so many twinkling together, as far as the eye could see,  every which way you turned! And then when we spotted the Lights and immediately parked up and got cameras set up to capture them in their full glory you couldn't help but feel absolutely elated - it felt 'other worldly'! 

I felt humbled by the vastness of the Universe and the fact that I am such a teeny tiny speck in it. Initially I felt insignificant in the Bigger Picture but then realised that I AM part of this miraculous mystery and it made me feel powerful and important.  We all have our place in the world and should acknowledge, value and appreciate our individual  greatness within this wondrous Universe 😊