Reasons to be cheerful - part 2!


As I was saying in my previous post, I am so lucky to be having so many wonderful days! I question whether it's weird that I'm enjoying life so much now and then think 'Der, now you realise how precious life is, of course you're making the most of it!'  Am I seeing it through rose tinted glasses now? You bet I am! My perspective has definitely changed, before Yoda (trying out different names for the small c and as she's probably gonna be my biggest teacher it seems fitting) came along I may have moaned about having to travel into London with my back pain and whinged that I'm tired and would rather go home to bed than meet up with my Besties. But Yoda has taught me the value of each moment, the preciousness of connection with loved ones, the joy of feeling the sun on your face, the appreciation of beautiful things, although Danni doesn't understand why I just had to buy yet another pair of gorgeous flip-flops (I know Steph, thongs, if you're reading this Down Under) to add to my collection!

After visiting Maggie's, I just happened upon an Accessorize and as this is being read by those that  know me, I need say no more!! Just being surrounded by the sparkles, the colours, the prints fills me with joy! So £45 later, I then had a session with my Spiritual Healer which may sound  pretentious, la-la or just plain wanky to some but 'Hey ain't nobody got time for  that!' I have had two sessions with her so far, Maggie Rose, and I love her already. I don't understand what she does, so won't try to explain it but I trust and have faith that she will be an invaluable companion during this new journey of mine.  

I then had some pampering, although having your upper lip waxed is never a joy, but being able to look in the mirror after and not be shocked by seeing those 1/2 inch thick black hairs that definitely weren't there yesterday is fab! Soon I may not have to worry about those or shaping my brows, which does scare me I ain't gonna lie, because I can hear my vanity voice there in my head already saying 'man you are gonna look so weird, bald and bare of facial hair, you better hide all mirrors and cameras now!' Have already signed for a make-up class at Maggie's where they teach you top tips on how to apply make-up so I have a chance of recognising myself in the mirror! This will be a real test of self love, to appreciate and love myself however my face/body/ appearance changes - loving myself for the unique and beautiful being that I am (topic for a later post me thinks)!

So having had my facial hair groomed and tamed, and my nails prettified to look feminine and elegant, something I can hopefully keep enjoying throughout treatment, I met up with my group of WOWees (Women Only Weekenders originally, who have evolved into Women of Wonder! A group of Sisters, Sisters-in-Law and Friends who appreciate the value of female connection and comraderie!) We met so I could break the news to them knowing I could rely on their love and support throughout this experience and I left them 3 hours later with a very warm heart 💕 Aah what a day!! 💕